To feel the world, feel the creatures,feel internal .CN:为了更好的了解世界,了解他人,了解自己。“见天地,见众生,见自己”
Electronics Assembly You will need: CN: 电路组装
The SatNOGS v2 Mechanical Ground Station Assembly. CN: SatNOGS v2 的地面基站机械部分组装
TP-Link WR703N
SatNOGS PCB. CN: 印刷电路板部分,下同
A 4 port USB hub. CN:4端口的USB hub
2 USB micro cables. CN: 2条USB迷你连接线
One double wire for 12V to SatNOGS PCB
Using double sided foam tape, place the TP Link on the side as shown. CN:用发泡双面胶把TP Link路由器粘贴在一侧
Place SatNOGS PCB as shown (with foam tape).CN:把发泡双面胶带及PCB板放在图示位置
Place SatNOGS PSU PCB as shown (with foam tape).CN:同上
Stick with foam tape and connect the USB hub as shown.CN:按图示粘贴及连接USB hub
You will need 2 USB micro cables.CN:需要两个迷你USB线
One USB micro cable should start from the PSU PCB and end to TP-Link (for power supply).CN:其中一条从PSU板子连到TP Link,用于供电
The other USB Micro cable should start from the USB Hub and end to the Arduino Micro (for data connection).CN:另外一条从USB hub到迷你Arduino的板子,用于数据传输
You have now finished all electronics setup of your Ground Station.CN:现在你已经完成了电路部分的组装
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What 3D printer and material are you using to print the parts?
Used Objet to make the gears; other parts made with Dimension
(University of Alabama 3D lab)